As a Landlord

Join Our Family As a Landlord

Currently, we are a property manager of our own properties.  We have several handymen, plumbers, roofers and contractors we have used in the past to fix an assortment of problems.  We also live in a duplex that we have completely remodeled.  We installed a new wooden fence around the property, remodeled both kitchens and bathrooms from the floor up, refinished the hardwood floors, resurfaced an outside deck and more, so we have intimate knowledge of both price and workmanship it takes to improve and maintain properties.  We continuously analyze the rental market to optimize the cash flow of our properties.  We have also interviewed and screened tenants and we have an in-house attorney to oversee the leases, contracts and unfortunate situations like evictions.  You can rest assured when you have a team led by an attorney maintaining and looking after your property’s and your best interests.